Tables & Chairs
Through the grace and blessings of God, the church has acquired 120 chairs and 7 flip top tables from a University in Melbourne. This furniture is in excellent condition and will replace the current green chairs that have been with us for close to 30 years and the plastic trestle tables. The large amount of chairs means that the church can cater for more people during events and meetings such as dinners, spiritual days or conferences that are held in the church hall.
The addition of the new furniture also completes the renovation of the church hall which began over a year ago and included; painting of walls, refurbishment of ceiling, installation of a tea & coffee station and upgrade to the Hall AV System.
We pray that in the near future when the doors of our church are open, many events both spiritual and social can be held in our church hall for everyone united as one family!
If you would like to take the blessings of this project and donate you can do so via the details below:
General Account (Non TD) BSB: 083-004 Acc No: 50 073 5628 Building Fund Account (TD) BSB: 083-817 Acc No: 73 915 0154
To donate via Card: